
Pinterest Updates 2018

July 22, 2018

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Pinterest is an amazing tool to bring tons of traffic to your website, build a following and find customers that love you. But like any network, algorithms evolve and new strategies are needed to stay on top.

Lucky for you I’ve summed up all the changes in Pinterest Update 2018 and how to re-act accordingly right here – cheers 😉

1 – Pin Content Directly From Your Site

When pinning your own content, it’s best to pin it from your website first, rather than saving an image and uploading it to Pinterest with your link.

We prioritize pins that were created by the owner of the website that those pins link to


In the past pinning your content to one board, your branded board lets say, and then re-pinning it to other relevant boards from that board was ok. Now, you’re going to get a bigger boost if you pin it from your site to each board, every time.

When re-pinning your old content again, its good practice to change the description. Re-pins with the same descriptions will be demoted now.

It’s also good practice to space pinning the same pin to different boards out, for example by 1 day, which can easily by done using Tailwind’s interval scheduling feature. When pinning to the same board, wait at least a few weeks so it doesn’t look repetitive.


2 – Keyword Stuffing in Pin Descriptions

While this used to be acceptable, Pinterest now prefers pin descriptions to be written in a more conversational, sentence form. Of course you should still include keywords in those sentences as the pin description is one of the most important practices for people to find your pins.

Make your pin descriptions them as descriptive as possible without simply being a list of keywords and hashtags.

Ps. no need to panic and edit all previous pin descriptions. Just write all new pin descriptions this way moving forward, not to be penalized.

3 – Pin Consistently – Your Content & All Pins

Pinterest prioritizes your own personal content in order to reward its curators, so its important to pin your own stuff daily, as well as others.

Pinning consistently means daily pinning. Yes Pinterest prefers you pin daily, even if its less pins, than going in and pinning 100 pins a week all at once.

*Pro Tip* Use Tailwind’s Smart Scheduler so that it looks like your pinning daily, even if you really did all of the pinning in 10 minutes.

4 – BoardBooster Shut Down

As you may already know BoardBooster shut down for good in July 2018 as they were violating Pinterest Terms of Use.

Although this was a shock to its many users, there are alternatives for most of BoardBoosters features which I discuss more in detail here.

There they are folks. The most important Pinterest Updates 2018.

Looking to really rev up your Pinterest game? I offer Pinterest Services for all budgets and businesses looking to increase their traffic and find their dream clients online. 

Happy pinning 🙂


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  1. Wells Baum says:

    This is v helpful — thanks for the tips!

  2. Valarie says:

    Thank you for this update! Very valuable.

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