
BoardBooster Alternative – How to Share and Schedule to Pinterest with Tailwind

July 22, 2018

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BoardBooster was amazing for Pinterest scheduling, but now that its closed its time to find a BoardBooster alternative. That’s right, it’s on to the next one, boy bye!

Like many Pinterest experts, I loved and used BoardBooster to help with Pinterest scheduling, however I was also using Tailwind in conjunction for best results. In this post I’ll go over how you can use Tailwind as a BoardBooster alternative for almost all Pinterest scheduling and sharing features.

First things first. No one likes being inconvenienced like the shut down of BoardBooster, and having to find new systems and processes.

So to avoid any future stress and heartbreak, work with Pinterest approved marketing partners.
BoardBooster was never approved and was violating Pinterest terms of use, which was the reason for the inevitable shut down.

But like I said, on to the next one! Below are a list of BoardBooster features and Tailwinds Alternative scheduling and sharing features available to you.

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

BoardBooster Feature No Longer Available

1. Automatically sourcing pins from other boards (violated Pinterest Terms of Use)

Having this automated, meant you were never really sure if you were pinning quality, as this feature if more quantity driven. Pinterest would much prefer you pin quality pins less often to 50+ poor pins.

Quality > Quantity. Always

Tailwind Alternative

Join Tailwind Tribes and use the tribe as a resource for quality pins from pinners in your niche or category. There are thousands of Tribes available, and you can even start your own once you’re a Tailwind member.

Use the Tailwind Publisher browser extension to easily pin directly from any site or online content you think your audience would love.

*PRO TIP* All pins scheduled using Tailwind, is considered a fresh pin, rather than a repin – even if you are scheduling it from Pinterest! This is important because Pinterest prioritizes fresh pins coming directly from your site over you repinning older content.

BoardBooster Feature No Longer Available

2. Sharing pins across boards and community through scheduling and looping

Tailwind Alternative

tailwind-interval-pin-schedulerTailwind allows you schedule the same pin to multiple boards at the same time and even schedule them to go out in set intervals (1hr, 12hrs, 1 day etc) so that the same pin doesn’t look like it was pinned multiple times in a row.

You can make the interval as small as 10 minute up to 90 days. I especially love this feature!!

It’s also suggested to pin your pins to your most relevant boards first, and then schedule them to other boards, including group boards from there.

Tailwind Tribes also offer another great place to get more exposure for your pins, on top of your scheduled group boards.

BoardBooster Feature No Longer Available

3. Looping – Resharing old content on Pinterest
While BoardBooster’s looping feature was amazing for re-sharing old content, Pinterest prefers you do this more mindfully.

Tailwind Alternative

Instead of literally re-sharing all your pins, use this as an opportunity to see which pins are performing best. Re-share the best ones (obviously) and think about changing the image, keywords or headline on the pins that haven’t done as well.

Tailwind Pin Inspector is amazing for giving you quick and important stats about your pin performance.

Use your stats to see what’s working, what’s not, and react accordingly.


BoardBooster Feature No Longer Available

4. Deleting Duplicate Pins
BoardBooster had this feature so that there were no duplicates of the same pin in your boards as a result of you looping it.

Tailwind Alternative

You actually don’t even need an alternative for this as there is no need delete pins, ever.

Even if your pin was seen by no one and you now have a fresh better performing version of it, there is no benefit to deleting it. Heck it could be picked up by a super famous pinner and become popular one day! Do you really want to take the hope away from that ambitious pin? DO YOU!

In all seriousness, there’s just no point to deleting old pins, and its a great thing, cause ain’t no body got time for that anyway.


To summarize below are a list of Tailwind features that will help fill your current BoardBooster void and will soon have you wondering how you lived without them!

  1. Tailwind Tribes
  2. Tailwind Interval Scheduling
  3. Tailwind Smart Scheduler (we didn’t touch on this here, but it basically knows the optimal time to pin according to your audience so you’re always pinning at the best times for better engagement)
  4. Tailwind Publisher browser extension
  5. Tailwind statistics for your pins, boards and profile performance.
  6. Smart Loop (is currently in beta and which mimic BoardBooster’s looping)

Get a free trial of Tailwind and try it for yourself > Try Tailwind for FREE

Ready to 10X your audience with Pinterest? I love helping other bloggers and online businesses realize the power of Pinterest.

Check out my Pinterest Services here and let’s get to work! 


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