Mindset & Motivation

How to be Happy NOW

July 22, 2018

Hey, I'm Elisa!
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Everyone wants to know how to be happy now…yet it sometimes seems like a luxury reserved for those who have ‘figured everything out.’ For those who already have it all and don’t have the same worries and stresses as you do.

It turns out where your mind is now, is more important than what you have now, when it comes to being happy. Are you constantly worrying about the future, or stressing about the past?

How can you be happy now, if you’re not living in the now?

Mindfulness and meditation are trending topics because they bring the focus back to the present moment. Taking you out of worries and stresses, the future and the past, and back into the right here and now.


I wanted to write on this as I’m currently living a life I was only dreaming about  just a few yours ago. I’m living on a beautiful Mediterranean island, with my amazing boyfriend, while working completely from my laptop. BUT (of course there was a but coming), I recently found myself ignoring how lucky I am now, and focusing on all the things I still didn’t have. I was frustrated with myself for not being further ahead in my business, comparing myself to everyone else online, and not having all of ‘things’ someone close to 30 should have, and worrying about what life will be like when my trip is done and I’m back home.

Its so easy to only focus on what I still want, then to stop and appreciate the AMAZIING life I already have.

And before you say – Well great for you b*tch, congratulations…but my life sucks for real! – Stop and think about something you have, something you’ve done or even someone in your life, that was a mere hope or dream in the past. Maybe the it’s car you’re driving now, the home you live in, your friends or partner.

Goals are great. Not staying complacent and pushing yourself to be more and do more is great. But don’t wait until you achieve those goals to allow yourself to be happy.

The truth is by the time you reach that goal, get that job, car, etc. It won’t be the shiny, far away object it was when you first wished it up, and you’ll likely already have a new shiny thing you think you need to be happy now.

I try and start everyday writing a list of what I’m grateful for along with my goals and some free journalling.

Daily Gratitude Practice

Write a list of 10 things you’re grateful for right now. They can be as small as the coffee that saved your life this morning or as big as the new client you just landed or trip you booked. Nothing is too big or small to be grateful for.

Right now, at this very moment, I am grateful for:

  • the ability to work from anywhere
  • this delicious caramel macchiato I’m sipping
  • having the beach so close by
  • the hot hot heat
  • my tan
  • the yummy fresh fruit that grows at our place
  • my new blog where I can write crazy things like this
  • my health
  • the best friends in the world
  • an amazing boyfriend

Your turn!

Write at least 3 things your grateful for in the comments below and start allowing yourself to be happy NOW – Not tomorrow, not after you do X, Y or Z, but right frickin now 😀


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Meet Elisa

I am absolutely in love with this work and the amazing results it delivers.

My journey with hypnosis started when I tried it myself. Fast forward to a few hypnosis sessions later and I was on fire!

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