Rest Relax & Refuel – Confirm

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Save The Date: Wednesday, January 12th, 8:30pm EST – 30 mins

Rest Relax & Refuel – Free Group Hypnosis Session

Join on Zoom 


This live group session is going to help you to find rest and relaxation on a deeper level by quieting your mind, relaxing your body and making that deep connection to the healing energy within you.

Tips to enhance your experience:

1 – Get comfortable! Find any comfortable position, seated or lying down where you can fully let go, and relax. A quiet and uninterrupted space is best. Have your camera on and facing you if possible.
2 – Using headphones can help to block external noise and tune in.
3 – Set the mood. Dim the lights, light candles, anything to give that spa-like atmosphere


See you soon!


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Meet Elisa

I am absolutely in love with this work and the amazing results it delivers.

My journey with hypnosis started when I tried it myself. Fast forward to a few hypnosis sessions later and I was on fire!

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