Visit Site Title REST, RELAX & REFUEL

Free group session

Rest, Relax & Refuel

Calm your body and mind naturally

Wednesday, January 12th @ 8:30pm EST

Find rest and relaxation on a deeper level by quieting your mind, relaxing your body and making that deep connection to the healing energy within you.

Learn to let go of all thoughts and worries with the help of a live-guided online hypnosis session. 


Is This Right For You?

You need to finally make time for yourself

You're overwhelmed by your thoughts

You want to be more clear minded

You're so tired of anxious thoughts

You're ready to feel refueled from within

Theo got his whole life in order again

“I didn’t think it would be worth it. It was. I didn’t think it would work for me. It did. I didn’t think I’d be *that* success story. I am.”

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“If you know, you know I'm baby adaptogen. Four loko fashion axe fam 3 wolf moon.”

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Hypnosis FAQ's

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is something we naturally experience in our daily lives without even trying. Think of a daydream-like state, like being so deeply engaged in a book or movie, or when you are driving somewhere you have been 100 times. 

You are awake, but conscious (thinking) mind is quiet and you feel relaxed. 

what's the difference between meditation and hypnosis?

While they are very similar, hypnosis is a deeper form of relaxation with a goal 

freedom to do what you're great at

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Ready to relax?

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